Rev. 09/25/2018TROOP 420 – FALL 2018 SCHEDULE


Sept. 4             Troop Meeting - Summer Camp MB completions, review outstanding MB requirements from summer camp.  All Scouts Attend. Bring your Scout HB and any blue cards for MBs earned during the summer. Class A uniform required for BOR. SM Conferences available, Bill Purcell in charge of Boards of Review – all leaders on deck

                        8:00pm - Patrol Leaders Council Meeting (CC, DHam)

Sept. 7-9          Order of the Arrow Ordeal for OA Members at Camp Bowers – Chris Coleman, LIC

Sept. 11           Cancelled Hurricane Florence

Sept. 18           Cancelled Hurricane Florence

Sept 22-23      Troop Camping Trip – Lumber River Canoe Trip (Bob/Doug)  - Cancelled Hurricane Florence

Sept. 25           Court of Honor, 7:00PM, LPC Fellowship Hall (DHH)


Oct. 2              Troop Meeting – Scoutcraft Skills  SQUARE LASHING (Alligator Pit)

                                                            PURCELL / MYERS (Additional Instructors assigned at PLC)

Oct. 6              Troop Service Project - Scotland County Highland Games (SF, JMcL ,DH, JH)

Oct. 9              Troop Meeting – Scoutcraft Skills FIRST CLASS FIRST AID (First Aid Relay)

                                                            J DEAN / B CATANZARITE (Additional Instructors assigned at PLC)

Oct. 16            Troop Meeting –, Prepare to Camp (DHH)

Oct. 19-21       Troop Camping Trip – Webelos Parent Camp McCoy Pond, Scoutcraft round robin events                           FIRST CLASS FIRST AID / SQUARE and SHEAR LASHING

                                                            ASM S FULTON

Oct 23             Patrol Leaders Council Meeting – no regular troop meeting (CC, DHam)

Oct. 30            Troop Meeting – District Camporee Overview and assignment camp site setup, Patrol Menu, Duty Roster (CC)


Nov. 2-4          District Camporee – Manus Property, Scotland County (CC,

Nov. 6             Troop Meeting – Orienteering  … Map Legend / Map Orientation / Azimuth Settings / How to maintain compass course / Declination Diagram


Nov. 13           Troop Meeting – Knots …. Bowline / Taut Line / Prusik / Sheet Bend / Clove Hitch

                                                            E MCCOY / J CATANZARITE / CJ COLEMAN / C HAMILTON

                                                            (Additional Instructors assigned at PLC) (5 Knots 50 sec)

Nov. 20           No Troop Meeting, Thanksgiving Holiday

Nov. 27           Troop Meeting – Team Building Games

                                                            J PURCELL / N EURY

Check band concerts for possible meeting change to Monday or Wednesday for December


Dec. 4              Troop Meeting, Merit Badge School:

To be voted on: Personal Fitness, Personal Management, Railroading, Family Life, Photography

Dec. 11            Troop Meeting, Merit Badge School: same as Dec. 4

Dec. 18, 25      No Troop Meeting

SUMMER CAMP DATES 2019: JULY 7 THROUGH JULY 13, 2019 at Camp Bowers.

All meetings begin at 7:00PM on Tuesday at the Hut, Uniform is Class "A" unless otherwise notified. Parents should attend all Court of Honor Meetings.  Attendance is taken at all troop functions.  Scout spirit is a big part of every advancement.  We look at 70% participation as the minimum effort for participation in troop activities.

Please make every attempt to participate in every meeting and event.